Saturday, August 13, 2011

Whore or Hoarder?

Today was a little stormy out, so I decided to go through my underwear drawer. Ya know, do a little spring cleaning when summer is almost over:)
What did I discover??? That I have 70 panties and 40 bras!! This is after I threw out any that I no longer wanted. Is that even normal? I am sure there are others out there that have just as many and even more than that but they probably also have more drawer space...

Mine are suppose to fit in this one little drawer...

Obviously they don't, which is why I went through them in the first place, but the only thing I accomplished is now I know how many I actually have. So how many panties and bras should one have? Do I just take over the next drawer down with underwear too? Maybe one drawer bras, one drawer panties? Do I go through them again and make some more cuts? Maybe get a special tote to put them in to place in the closet?

I guess the most pressing question is, am I a panties/bra whore or just a hoarder? Are my kids going to move out and come to visit one day and find me and Paul buried in underwear? Or is this a normal amount of under garments? The world may never know.

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious, can't wait to be there the day the kids com to visit you:)
