Friday, July 15, 2011

Cooper's First Day of School

Yesterday was the day we have been waiting 5 years for... Cooper's first day at Kindergarten! Surprisingly he got up early with Ashleigh, was ready by 7AM, and put on his backpack immediately even though he didn't need to be at the bus stop until 8:10.

Paul stayed home to watch him get on the bus for the first time and we all went to the bus stop...

Big sis Ashleigh was there to ride the bus with him and help him find his classroom. He got on the bis with a huge smile and never looked back! I couldn't wait until he got home to see how his day went and what he did all day. He got off the bus with that same huge smile from the morning so I knew he had a great time.

He told me all about his day. Painting and playing with play-doh, he had quiet time, ate lunch and snack, watched the tv for his bus # to be called and went (without any help) to the buses and found the correct bus # and got on to wait for Ashleigh. He gave me all of his forms that needed to be completed and I finished them and placed them in his backpack for Monday morning. Ashleigh then gives me a sticker that she had taken from his shirt that said " See you at Meet the Teacher July 15th from 10:00-11:00".  I thought it was sort of odd since we just had a Meet the Teacher a few weeks ago but I knew we didn't meet his actual teacher so I figured we should go. Once again, Paul would stay home from work so he could assist.

We awaken and everything that could go wrong, does! SN: I just found out today is a full moon, so now I completely understand.

Everyone showers and I pull my hair up (wet) to call the doctor at 8:30 to see if I can squeeze Genevieve in sometime today because I suspect she has an ear infection. They have an opening at 8:50 and the other openings conflict with the Meet the Teacher, so I say 8:50. I figure I'd be in and out, fix my hair, and head to the school. Wrong! I get there at 8:40 (it is literally next door) and get into the room around 8:55ish...the dr doesn't come in until 9:30!!! I have never heard Jenna cry so much. She didn't want to be held, I couldn't let her crawl around the floor, it was nap time and she didn't feel good. Then the doctor takes forever and comes to the conclusion that she does have an ear infection. In my mind, I'm all like " I know, I really don't know why you can't just give me meds without looking because I've been there done that too many times to even count" but I smile and leave...finally. So I get home at 9:50 and we need to leave for the school.

We get there and as soon as we walk in the door-
TA: Do you have the forms that were sent home yesterday?
Me: They are completed but I put them in his backpack to bring in on Monday. Nothing mentioned that I needed to bring them in today.
TA: Well, I need them. I was going to work on them this weekend.
Me: Sorry.
TA: *makes sad face*
TA: Let's show Mommy your cubby. He has his towel but you didn't send any supplies with him. He needs a binder for all of his work.
Me: We purchased the supply kit from the PTA that was suppose to be delivered to him in class.
TA: Oh
TA: *makes sad face*

We go grab the additional paperwork that has been left out and now have to take part in a scavenger hunt with Cooper.

1. Find your teacher and have her take a family photo.  I beg Paul to do this because don't forget, my hair is still wet and pulled back. He finds the teacher, asks for the picture and the teacher FINDS me and tells me to get in the picture too even though I am feeding Jenna....Ugh can't wait t see that one.
2. Have child write their name on the magna doodle. Check
3. Have child show you their cubby. Check
4. Have child build something using 10 blocks. Check
5. Choose a leaf from the giving tree to donate something to the class. Check
6. Introduce yourself to at least 2 other parents. Ummm, not checked. I am not that mom. I do not want to know the other parents nor do I have the time. I don't see the friends I have as it is.

So we are set to leave, and the TA gives Cooper a hug.

Me: Sorry I didn't bring those papers in. They are done and will be in his bag on Monday.
TA: No worries, with that many kids, things are going to get forgotten.
Me: *shock and awe face* and Paul pushing me out the door
Nothing stated to bring the forms, so what exactly was forgotten? This women should be thanking God tonight, that is all!

So we had a Meet the Teacher a few weeks ago, we had one today, and then they are having Open House next week. Couldn't we make this easy on everyone and do this all at once? And they are having a "Tears and Tissues" Breakfast on Monday...ummm no thanks!

I have no problems with attending things, but please give me some advance notice. My family with "that many kids" doesn't hinder my ability to remember or attend, but we do have schedules that can not be adjusted on a moments notice. And if you want your forms on a certain day...then tell me!

*Counting to 10*

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